Frequently asked questions
Article 16 of the Law on Competition
(Application for concentration)
(1) Business entities, participants in the concentration are obliged to submit a notification of the concentration in the sense of Art. 12 and 14 of this Law, within 15 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement, publication of the public offer of shares or acquisition of control, depending on which occurs earlier.
(2) A concentration application can be submitted when the participants of the concentration prove their intention for the concentration concluded by an agreement in principle, a memorandum of understanding, a letter of intent signed by all participants of the concentration or by public announcement of the intention to make a purchase offer.
(3) In the case when control over the whole or parts of one or more business entities is acquired by another business entity, the application is submitted by the business entity that acquires control, and in all other cases, business entities submit a joint application.
(4) The Competition Council is obliged to publish information from the concentration notification in daily newspapers, and in particular:
a) names of business entities participating in the concentration; b) form of concentration; and c) the economic sector within which the concentration is carried out.
If you want to report corruption to the Council of Competition, anonymously or by leaving your data, you can use the telephone number for reporting corruption: 033 251 – 409, or the e-mail address: zavejnikorupciju@bihkonk.gov.ba. Thank you for your cooperation.
Article 54 of the Law on Competition
(Legislation procedure)
(1) The Council of Competition may percentageally reduce or abolish the fine imposed on a business entity for violating the provisions of Article 4 of this Act if the business entity voluntarily provides evidence essential for determining the violation and if, at the time of submission of the evidence, it ceases the prohibited activity.
(2) If the economic entity achieves the voluntary cooperation referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, the Council of Competition may fully or partially exempt the economic entity from the fine.
(3) The Council of Competition will mitigate or exempt from punishment, in the sense of para. (1) and (2) of this article, apply in cases:
a) when the evidence is submitted at a time when the Council of Competition does not have the necessary information to start the procedure ex officio;
b) when the business entity cooperates effectively with the Council of Competition during the entire procedure;
c) if at the time of giving evidence, the business entity has terminated its participation in the agreement, agreement or joint practice and does not oblige other business entities to participate in the agreement.
(4) The Competition Council will determine in more detail the procedure for mitigating or exempting from the penalty by means of a sub-legal act.
Article 16 of the Law on Competition
(Application for concentration)
(1) Business entities, participants in the concentration are obliged to submit a notification of the concentration in the sense of Art. 12 and 14 of this Law, within 15 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement, publication of the public offer of shares or acquisition of control, depending on which occurs earlier.
(2) A concentration application can be submitted when the participants of the concentration prove their intention for the concentration concluded by an agreement in principle, a memorandum of understanding, a letter of intent signed by all participants of the concentration or by public announcement of the intention to make a purchase offer.
(3) In the case when control over the whole or parts of one or more business entities is acquired by another business entity, the application is submitted by the business entity that acquires control, and in all other cases, business entities submit a joint application.
(4) The Competition Council is obliged to publish information from the concentration notification in daily newspapers, and in particular:
a) names of business entities participating in the concentration; b) form of concentration; and c) the economic sector within which the concentration is carried out.
If you have additional questions, please write to e-mail kontakt@bihkonk.gov.ba or call the phone number +387 33 251 406