On 8th July 2016, 130th session of the Council of Competition was held in Sarajevo with the following adopted:
Decision rejecting the rRequest of the undertaking “Sanitacija” d.o.o. Sarajevo, lodged against the Government of Zenica-Doboj Canton and the Public Institution Institute for Health and Food Safety Zenica in order to establish the existence of an agreement prohibited under Article 4, paragraph (1) items b) and d) of the Competition Act, as unfounded. Decision rejected proposal for a decision on interim measures filed by the undertaking “Sanitacija” d.o.o. Sarajevo against the Government of Zenica-Doboj Canton as unfounded.
Decision allowing a concentration in the market of packaging waste management in Bosnia and Herzegovina which resulted from the establishment of the undertaking ECO LIFE Ltd., a joint venture business of undertakings BINGO d.o.o., MENPROM d.o.o., Gornja Tuzla and TESCO d.o.o., Tuzla. The Decision has established that an undertakings BINGO d.o.o., MENPROM d.o.o., and TESCO d.o.o., did not file Notification on concentration in statutory deadline, in terms of Article 16 paragraph (1) of the Competition Act, and that they implemented the concentration without a decision of the Competition Council, in terms of Article 18, paragraph (9) of the same Act. For the failure to file the Notification on concentration in statutory deadline, in terms of Article 16 paragraph (1) of the Competition Act, economic entity BINGO d.o.o. was fined in the amount of 30,000.00 KM and economic entity MENPROM d.o.o., Gornja Tuzla in the amount of 7,500, 00 KM. For implementation of the concentration without the decision of the Competition Council, under Article 18, paragraph (9) of the Competition Act economic entity BINGO d.o.o. was fined in the amount of 60,000.00 KM, and economic entity MENPROM d.o.o. in the amount of KM 15,000.00.
Conclusion initiating the proceedings filed by the undertaking Bosmekni Trans d.o.o. Zenica, represented by the Director of the company Zakir Žuna, against the Municipality of Zenica, in order to establish the existence of prohibited competition activities in the sense of Article 4 paragraph (1), item b), c) and d) and Article 10 of the Competition Act.
Opinion on the Request for an opinion on the existence of the obligation to notify the concentration of economic entity BOR Banka d.d. Sarajevo filed on 04.05.2016.
Opinion on the Request for issuing an opinion submitted by the law firm dr. Predrag Baros and Nikola Pasic, Banja Luka.
Opinion on the Request for expert opinion of Stevan Dimitrijevic, a lawyer from Banja Luka, in relation to the obligation to notify the concentration in terms of Art. 12 and 14 of the Competition Act.
Opinion on the Request of the Communications Regulatory Agency seeking opinion on the definition of relevant markets and assessment of significant market power of the operators in the relevant wholesale markets.
Opinion on the Request of Maric & Co., a law firm with limited liability, in connection with the obligation to notify the Agreement on distribution, i.e. whether it is necessary to seek an individual exemption for the same, according to the relevant provisions of the Competition Act.
Opinion on the Request of undertaking Društvo za finansijski i investicioni konsalting (Company for financial and investment consulting) „ASA INVEST“ d.o.o. Sarajevo.
Council of Competition