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131st (hundred and thirty first) session of the Council of Competition of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held in Sarajevo on 14th July 2016 with the following adopted:
Decision allowing the concentration in the market of universal banking services in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will be created by merging of the undertaking Privredna banka d.d. Sarajevo with the undertaking BOR BANKA d.d. Sarajevo.

Decision establishing that the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, 71000 Sarajevo, though adoption of the Rules on termination of the Rules on packaging and packaging waste No. 04-23-1334 / 15 of 01.21.2016. (“Official Gazette of the Federation BiH” No. 8/16), has prevented, restricted and distorted competition in the market of packaging and packaging waste on the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by limiting and controlling the market which is a prohibited agreement within the meaning of Article 4, paragraph (1) item b) of the competition Act. The Decision also found that the Rules referred to in Item 1 of this operative part are void within the meaning of Article 4 paragraph (2) of the Competition Act. A fine was imposed on Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, 71000 Sarajevo in the amount of BAM 21,000.00 (twenty one thousand BAM), in terms of Article 48, paragraph (1) item a) of the Competition Act.

Conclusion, suspending the proceedings initiated by the request for initiation of proceedings of the Udruženje inovativnih proizvođača lijekova u Bosni i Hercegovini (Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical in Bosnia and Herzegovina), Sarajevo, against the Government of Tuzla Canton, Tuzla, due to the withdrawal of the Applicant.

Conclusion, extending the deadline for the final decision for an additional three (3) months in the proceedings pending before the Competition Council, upon the Conclusion to initiate proceedings ex officio No 01-26-2-005-2-II/16 of 7.4.2016. against the undertaking Ekopak d.o.o, a company for dealing with packaging waste, 71000 Sarajevo, in order to establish abuse of a dominant position.

Conclusion, initiating procedure upon Request for initiation of proceedings of the undertaking “Global Internet” d.o.o. Novi Travnik, against undertaking “HD-WIN” d.o.o. Belgrade, Serbia, in order to establish abuse of a dominant position under Article 10 paragraph (2) item a) and c) of the Competition Act.

Council of Competition


РЈЕШЕЊЕ Пријава концентрације привредног субјекта БОР БАНКА д.д. Сарајево и…


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