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99th session of the Council of Competition of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held in Sarajevo on 13th November 2014 with the following adopted:

Decision approving the concentration of undertakings “Bingo” d.o.o. Tuzla, “C.D.E.B.” d.o.o. Sarajevo, and “European Retail Company” d.o.o. Bijeljina.

Analyzing relevant data collected during the proceedings, Council of Competition held that the implementation of the concentration will not significantly increase the market share of the parties to the concentration in the relevant market of retail food products and consumer goods in Bosnia and Herzegovina and will not create and strengthen their dominant position.

Decision approving the concentration, whereby the undertaking Porsche BH d.o.o. Sarajevo, intends to take over the assets and contracts in the market of wholesale travel, motor, cargo and commercial vehicles of the Volkswagen, Porsche, Seat, Skoda and Audi for Bosnia and Herzegovina, owned by economic entities ASA Auto d.o.o. Sarajevo, ASA PVA d.o.o. Sarajevo, ASA PSS d.o.o., Skoda Center d.o.o. Bihac.

Council of Competition, after assessment and analysis of data and facts established in the proceedings, found that the implementation of the concentration does not lead to a horizontal overlapping of the parties to the concentration, and that the market shares of economic entities ASA Holding, ASA Auto d.o.o., ASA PVA d.o.o., ASA PSS d.o.o. and Skoda Center d.o.o. remain unchanged, i.e. will not produce a change in market positions in the relevant market, and that this concentration does not prevent, restrict or distort market competition in the relevant market.

Conclusion rejecting Notification of concentration of undertaking “Integral” a.d. Laktaši because of the lack of concentration in terms of Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Competition Act.

Conclusion on initiation of the proceedings according to the request for an individual exemption from the prohibition of the Agreement, submitted by the “Porsche BH” d.o.o. Sarajevo pursuant to Article 4 paragraph (1) and (3) and Article 5 of the Competition Act.

Conclusion on initiation of the proceedings upon Notification of concentration of undertakings “Telemach” d.o.o. Sarajevo and “KATV HS” d.o.o. Sarajevo, in terms of Article 17 and 18 of the Competition Act.

Conclusion on initiation of the proceedings upon Notification of concentration of undertakings “Telemach” d.o.o. Sarajevo and “BHB CABLE TV” d.o.o. Lukavac, in the sense of Article 17 and 18 of the Competition Act.

Conclusion on initiation of the proceedings upon request of Private Health Institution “Pharmacom” Pharmacy Tuzla, against Tuzla Canton, Ministry of Health of Tuzla Canton in order to establish the existence of an agreement prohibited by Article 4 paragraph (1), items b) and d) of the Competition Act.

Conclusion on initiation of the proceedings upon Notification of concentration of undertakings “Telemach” d.o.o. Sarajevo and “VELNET” d.o.o. Mostar, in the sense of Article 17 and 18 of the Competition Act.

Opinion on the Draft Tariff system for delivery of thermal energy of the heating system of Cantonal public utility company for the production and distribution of thermal energy “Toplane-Sarajevo” d.o.o. Sarajevo.

Public Relations Department                                                                                                                                          Office of the President of Council of Competition  


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