PRESS RELEASE 5th session
The Competition Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its 5th session on March 12 2024 in Sarajevo. The session was preceded by a working meeting.
Materials from the field of competition law and policy as well as the internal work of the Competition Council were discussed at the session.
In the procedure conducted at the claim of the undertaking “Unipromet” d.o.o. Sarajevo against undertaking KJKP for the supply of natural gas “Sarajevogas” d.o.o., the Ministry of Communal Economy, Infrastructure, Spatial Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection of the Canton of Sarajevo and the Government of the Canton of Sarajevo, a supplementary Decision was adopted.
With this Decision, the Claim of “Unipromet” against undertaking “Sarajevogas” and the Government of Sarajevo Canton, in order to establish the existence of a prohibited agreement from Article 4, paragraph 1) points a), b) and d) of the Law on Competition, was rejected as unfounded.
In the continuation of the session, an amendment to the Rulebook on the use of official vehicles in the Competition Council was adopted.