The German competition protection agency Bundeskartellamt, in the period February 29 – March 1 2024, hosted the 22nd International Competition Conference in Berlin. The Conference brought together leading personalities and competition experts from all over the world, providing them with a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience, and the Competition Council was represented by Adisa Begić, the President, and Ivo Jerkić, a Member of the Council.
After the introductory speeches, panel discussions were opened. At the first, the challenges of competition policy were discussed in the context of today’s multiple crises, supply chain disruptions, inflation, the need for green energy growth and sustainability. All this has increased the pressure on competition agencies around the world to find solutions to these problems. No less a challenge is the impact of new AI technology on start-ups and large technology companies. The question arose as to what role competent agencies should play in this area and whether there is potential for AI and surveillance technology to improve existing practices.
On the second day of the conference, the panels discussed the control of concentrations and potential abuses of a dominant position. And while US agencies are cracking down on corporate growth with new cases and guidance, the courts seem reluctant to follow suit. In addition, the question arises as to what is actually to be achieved by controlling concentrations and abuses on the market. Obviously, the desire is to create fairness for market participants, but the question is how to achieve greater competitiveness? Can a solution be achieved by ordering the division of large technology companies?
The conference was full of interesting contributions from eminent experts and stimulating discussions. Given that contemporary trends create significant challenges for competition protection agencies, it is necessary to find solutions suitable for the new times, to which this Conference certainly contributed.