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71st session of the Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held in Sarajevo on 13th November 2013 with the following adopted:

 Opinion stating that Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on road transport in Tuzla Canton, is harmonized with the Competition Act.

Namely, Council of Competition has previously, on 10th October 2013, issued an opinion establishing that the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on road transport in Tuzla Canton is not compliant with the Competition Act.

 The Ministry acted on the above opinion and amended the Draft Law so as to fully accept the objections of the Council of Competition.

 In this way, the new Law shall allow taxi operators to  form prices independently, and thus change the previous practice where associations or administrative bodies issued unique price lists for taxi services, which had a negative impact on competition and consequently for end users of  taxi services.

 Opinion at the request of the undertaking ‘’Fabrika cementa Lukavac“(” Lukavac Cement Factory ” ) to provide expert opinion on the obligation to notify the concentration.

 Opinion at the request of the undertaking Remho Beteiligungs GmbH Vienna , Austria for an opinion regarding the existence of the obligation to notify the concentration.

Conclusion on the extension of the Conclusion of initiation of the proceedings and the extension of the deadline for issuing a decision in the proceedings at the Request for initiation of proceedings submitted by undertakings “Blicnet” d.o.o.  Banja Luka, “TXTV” d.o.o. and “Elta Kabel“ d.o.o.  Doboj against undertakings “FOX International Channels Bulgaria & Balkans” , Sofia , Bulgaria , “Viasat World Ltd.” , London, United Kingdom , and ” Discovery Communications Ltd .” , London, UK , to determine the existence of a prohibited agreement , pursuant to Article 4 . paragraph ( 1 ) item a ) and the existence of abuse of a dominant position within the meaning of Article 10 paragraph ( 2 ) items a ) , b) and c ) of the Competition Act .


                          Public Relations Department

   From the Office of the President of the Council of Competition


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