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101st session of the Council of Competition of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held in Sarajevo on 9th December 2014 with the following adopted:

Decision on Request for Extension of individual exemption from the prohibition established by the Decision of the Council of Competition No: 01-01-26-001-11-II / 2010 of 14th June 2010, submitted by the Health institution-hospital “International Medical Centres”Banja Luka within the meaning of Article 6 paragraph (4) of the Competition Act.

Council of Competition found that a further extension of individual exemption will not lead to prevention, restriction and distortion of competition in the relevant market for the provision of specialized services of teletherapy and brachytherapy to the insured persons of the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Srpska.

Decision rejecting Request for an individual exemption from the prohibition of the Agreement on Competition of the undertaking “Porsche BH” d.o.o. Sarajevo, because they did not fulfill the conditions of Article 4 paragraph (3) of the Competition Act.

Conclusion rejecting the request for review of the Decision number: 05-26-3-002-179-II / 13 of 16th December 2013, submitted by the undertaking Elta Kabel d.o.o. and the Association of Cable Operators in BiH as unfounded.

Council of Competition decided that the circumstances stated by the applicants cannot be accepted as a reason to review the decision, because the law itself provides that the review of the decision may be made if there has been a real change in the facts on which the decision was based, and also stipulates that these changes must be of significant impact on market competition.

Conclusion on the initiation of the proceedings upon Notification of concentration of undertakings “Telemach” d.o.o. Sarajevo and “M & H Company” d.o.o. Sarajevo, pursuant to Article 17 and 18 of the Competition Act.

Conclusion on the initiation of the proceedings upon Notification of concentration of undertakings “Telemach” d.o.o. Sarajevo and “HKB net” d.o.o. Sarajevo, pursuant to Article 17 and 18 of the Competition Act.

Conclusion on the initiation of the proceedings upon Request against Institute for health care of workers in traffic Sarajevo filed by the undertaking Polyclinic “Sunce-Agram” Sarajevo, to determine the existence of prohibited competition activities in terms of Article 10 paragraph (2) item a) and b) of the Competition Act.

Public Relations Department                                                                                                                                            Office of the President of Council of Competition  


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