President of the Competition Council, Ms Adisa Begić, and Council member, Ms Ninela Salihbašić, participated in the Competition Law and Policy Conference entitled:
Meet to Compete Competition Law and Policy Conference
“Tools for New Rules” held on May 9 and 10 2024 in Opatija.
The Conference was organized by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK), together with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) of Croatia, with the support of the Agency for the Protection of Market Competition of the Republic of Croatia, with a program aimed at discussing the recent developments of competition law and policy in the European Union with special regional focus.
On the first day of the Conference, a panel discussion was held on the topic of “Recent Developments in the Region”, in which representatives of the competition bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Italy participated. During the panel, President Begić informed the attendees about the work of the BiH Competition Council in the previous two years.
The topics of the panel additionally included innovations in the practice of the mentioned countries in the area of legislation, enforcement records, punishments, new tools and powers, as well as inflationary trends and the role that bodies responsible for market competition can play in the era of rising prices, such as market monitoring and sector research.
The second day of the conference consisted of workshops held by lawyers from the Republic of Croatia. Each of the four workshops covered a specific relevant topic from the practice of lawyers specializing in competition law, such as fixing resale prices and other vertical restraints, horizontal agreements, and excluding abuses of a dominant position.